Best Ways to Eat Your Veggies

WHICH IS BETTER—RAW OR COOKED VEGETABLES? Some vegetables benefit from cooking—for example, carrots, asparagus and tomatoes benefit from a little heat. Cooking makes it easier for our bodies to absorb…

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Soybeans have been part of the human diet for around 5,000 years. Not only is soy cholesterol free, but it also has all the nutrients essential for good health: protein,…

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Celebrated through the ages, rose mesmerizes with its elegant beauty and lovely scent, but it is not just beautiful on the outside. Rose also has a high concentration of valuable…

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Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) has been prized and revered for centuries in the Orient. Believed to have mysterious healing powers, reishi mushroom is highly regarded by the Chinese and referred…

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